Anthony Quintano Anthony Quintano

Ramping Up My YouTube Efforts

anthony quintano sandbar cocoplum beach dji.jpg

Back in July I shared a video letting people know i’m going to start focusing my efforts with video content there. Since i’m no longer searching for full-time work, i’m putting all my focus towards creating the content i’ve been making for my employers, work for me.

Since this YouTube channel trailer I have since been very busy with freelance work with travel from Florida, Bahamas, Los Angeles and soon San Diego. I have also launched a Patreon. This is something that allows people who love and support my work to contribute money to help me continue my efforts to create my own content full-time. There is no pressure to contribute financially. Simply viewing my YouTube videos, commenting and liking them as well as subscribing to my channel also helps me grow. I appreciate all who help me achieve my dream of working for myself.

I’m in the process of shooting as much video and photos as possible before winter moves into Colorado. I also have a few more freelance jobs in the works before the year end. I hope you enjoy what I share of my travels.

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